 Books and Articles - Building Museum and School Partnerships, edited by Beverly Sheppard. Published by American Association of Museums/Pennsylvania Federation of Museums and Historical Organizations. Expectations for partnerships, learning theories in museums, field trips, outreach projects, com- munity as classroom ideas. Available through American Association of Museums, (202) 289-9127, 1575 Eye Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005.
- The Frigates, by Henry E. Gruppe and the editors of Time-Life Books. 1979. Alexandria, Virginia: Time-Life Books. Beautiful color plates and vivid descriptions of events and personalities covering the life of Constitution and others of her kind, from conception to the end of their days.
- How to Visit A Museum, by David Finn. 1985. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Basic information about museum excursions, including what to look for and where and when to go. Focuses largely on visiting fine art museums. Available through American Association of Museums, (202) 289-9127, 1575 Eye Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005.
- Local Schools - Exploring Their History, by Ronald E. Butchart. 1986. California: Alta Mira Press. Community schools help to shape traditions and culture. A book to help you see how your school fits into the social and cultural history of your area. To order, call (805) 499-9774. Email: order@sagepub.com
- A Most Fortunate Ship, a Narrative History of Old Ironsides, by Tyrone G. Martin. 1997, Revision. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press. A comprehensive history of Constitution, with good material about her retirement years, including many photographs.
- Mad Jack, The Biography of Captain John Percival, USN, 1779-1862, by David F. Long. 1993. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. A complete biography of Captain John Percival, with extensive information on his Constitution service.
- Nearby History - Exploring the Past Around You, by David E. Kyvig and Myron A. Marty. 1982. California: Alta Mira Press. A comprehensive handbook on investigating the history of your
community, family, local institutions and cultural artifacts. This book guides you in researching the world close at hand. To order, call (805) 499-9774. Email: order@sagepub.com - Public Places - Exploring Their History, by Gerald A. Danzer. 1987. California: Alta Mira Press. Public parks, landmarks, streets, historic buildings and other features of an area make up the fabric of communities. The author has created a handbook to help in the search to explore the public side of a community and create projects about it. To order, call (805) 499-9774. Email: order@sagepub.com
- Slave Dancer, by Paula Fox. 1995, paperback. New York: Dell. For grades 5-8, about a boy whose job is to play flute music for the slaves on a journey from West Africa to America. Filled with nautical details, with a good message about courage and justice.
- The Story of Old Ironsides, by Norman Richards. 1967. Chicago: Childrens Press. Illustrated by
Tom Dunnington. Constitutions story from the Barbary corsairs to her retirement, in a simple, engaging style. to top Field Trips, Games, Music and Cyberspace - History or heritage museums or associations are frequently engaged in restoration activities that might be of interest to your class in conjunction with Lesson 12. Restoration endeavors are magnets for knowledgeable hobbyists and skilled artisans who might be willing to share their expertise with your class.
- In conjunction with Lesson 13, you might visit a museum in your city, town or region to view its
collections and exhibits and perhaps meet with the curator or education staff. Be sure to check what educational programs are offered, since good interpretation can make the exhibits come alive. Does the museum have any portraits in its collection? Students might compare and contrast these portraits with those they create in the Summary Activity at the end of the unit. Students might develop a list of questions to ask the museum staff after familiarizing themselves with the terms in Lesson 13. - The USS Constitution Museum has started a Kids Club that will offer a category of museum mem- bership for youths. Newsletters with games and puzzles, essay contests and other fun elements will be included with membership. If students are interested, write to the USS Constitution Museum, Education Department, Boston, MA 02129, Attention: Kids Club. (Please note: a fee will be charged for membership.)
- Huzza Old Ironsides! Her Life and Times in Song, a recording by Geoff Kaufman. 1997, CD and cas- sette. Cobs Cobble Music, P.O. Box 638, Mystic, CT 06355. Robust voices, fife and drum, concertina, whistles, piano and guitar bring alive stories in song about Constitution, including one about Captain Mad Jack Percival who took her around the world in the 1840s. Order by mail or by phone at (860) 443-2711.
- Trip Around the World, a popular board game or Geo Safari an electronic game available at some public libraries, might help reinforce classroom geography lessons related to Constitutions extensive world travels.
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