All Hands on Deck: Learning Adventures Aboard Old Ironsides
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USS Constitution — What Do You Know?

To establish a baseline of your students’ knowledge, and to whet their appetites, begin by finding out what they know about United States Ship (USS) Constitution. Write these three headings
on a large easel pad:

What I Know
What I Think I Know
What I Want to Know

Ask students questions to reveal any information they might have gleaned from the video that accompanies this theme unit, or from parents, television, or other sources. Your questions might raise additional questions. Write student responses in one of the three columns. Your questions might include:

• What is USS Constitution?
(a document? a building? a ship?)
• What does USS stand for?
• How big is she?

• How old is she?
• What is she made of?
• Why was she built?
• In what wars did she fight?

You might complete this exercise with more questions in the third column than answers in the first. Tack the easel sheets to the bulletin board and have a student volunteer correct and fill in information as you proceed through the unit.

If your students are not familiar with American history or need a review, the following background information and activities will help them to participate more fully in Lesson 1.

curriculum creditsuss constitution museum homecopyright information uss constitution museum logo