
Constitution Collage
Making a collage
Tell the class that they will be making collages of Constitution. Reproduce the sails and hull pages to hand out along with scissors, rulers, paste and pieces of paper 11" x 17" on which students may assemble their collages. Students should cut out and paste the hulls first. They should use the mast guide and their rulers to draw the three masts on the hulls. Finally, they should cut out the sails and paste them to the proper masts, starting with the mainsails at the bottom and going up each mast to the skysails at the top. To add interest to the collages, students may use toothpicks for spars and black or white string or yarn for rigging. The sails can be traced onto scraps of cloth, wrapping paper, paper bags or paper towels to add texture and color.
Blank Worksheet: Constitution sails (pdf)
Blank Worksheet: Mast guide (pdf)
Have on Hand scissors, rulers, paste, string, toothpicks, large pieces of paper (11"x 17") and/or cloth; photocopies of "Constitutions Sails" and "Mast Guide"