 Acre of Sail ... Almost Making a table The following list contains some of Constitution's sails and their sizes. Use another piece of paper to create a table out of this information. Be sure to give your table a title. Then use your table to answer the questions below. Sails on Constitution: (bowsprit to foremast): flying jib* (1,174 sq. feet), jib* (1,720 sq. feet). Sails on her foremast are: foresail (2,520 sq. feet), fore topsail* (2,369 sq. feet), fore topgallant (1,053 sq. feet), fore royal (560 sq. feet). Sails on her mainmast are: mainsail (3,272 sq. feet), main topsail* (3,366 sq. feet), main topgallant (1,260 sq. feet), main royal (678 sq. feet). Sails on her mizzen mast are: spanker* (1,697 sq. feet), mizzen topsail* (1,617 sq. feet), mizzen topgallant (658 sq. feet), mizzen royal (337 sq. feet).  *See question 6 below 1. | (a) Underline the largest sail and the smallest sail in your table. | | (b) About how many times bigger is the biggest sail than the smallest?about 10 times | 2. | What is the total number of square feet of sail on each mast?mizzen 2,612 sq. feet; main 8,576 sq. feet; fore 6,502 sq. feet | 3. | What is the total square feet of all sails listed in the table? 22,281 sq. feet | 4. | The total square feet of all of Constitution's sails, including those not listed in the table, is 42,710. What percent of her sails are listed in the table? 52% | 5. | An acre is 43,560 square feet. What percentage of an acre are all of Constitution's sails? 98% | 6. | The sails marked with an asterisk were the ones set during Constitution's historic July 21, 1997 sail, her first sail without tow in over a century. These were also the sails set when she went into battle. Transfer the asterisks to your table and compute the percent of her battle sails to her total. | Have on Hand photocopies of blank worksheet Blank worksheet (pdf) to top